Abbreviations You Probably Didn't Know As A Developer

Abbreviations You Probably Didn't Know As A Developer

  1. AFP- Apple Filing Protocol.
  2. AI- Artificial Intelligence.
  3. API - Application Programming Interface.
  4. Async- Asynchronous.
  5. AWS- Amazon Web Services.
  6. BASH - Bourne Again Shell.
  7. BEM- Block Element Modifier.
  8. C#- C-Sharp.
  9. CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
  10. CDN- Content Delivery Network.
  11. CLI- Command Line Interface.
  12. CNAME- Canonical Name.
  13. CRUD- Create Read Update Delete.
  14. CSS- Cascading Style Sheet.
  15. CWL - Common Workflow Language.
  16. DB- DataBase.
  17. DBMS- Database Management System.
  18. DevOps- Development Operations.
  19. DevRel - Developer Relations.
  20. DNS- Domain Name System.
  21. DOS- Disk Operating System.
  22. DOM- Document Object Model.
  23. DRY- Don't Repeat Yourself.
  24. ECMAScript- European Computer Manufacturers Association Script.
  25. FAANG- Facebook Apple Amazon Netflix Google.
  26. FOSS- Free and Open Source Software.
  27. FTP- File Transfer Protocol.
  28. GIF- Graphics Interchange Format.
  29. GNOME - GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  30. GNU - GNU's not Unix.
  31. GUI- Graphical User Interface.
  32. Hex- Hexadecimal.
  33. HTML- Hyper-Text Markup Language.
  34. HTTP- Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
  35. HTTPS- Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure.
  36. IaaS- Infrastructure as a Service.
  37. IDE- Integrated Development Environment.
  38. IE- Internet Explorer.
  39. IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression.
  40. IP - Internet Protocol.
  41. IoT- Internet Of Things.
  42. ISP- Internet Service Provider.
  43. JAMStack - Javascript APIs and Markup Stack.
  44. JDBC- Java Database Connectivity.
  45. JDK- Java Development Kit.
  46. JPEG- Joint Photographic Experts Group.
  47. JS - JavaScript.
  48. JSON- JavaScript Object Notation.
  49. k8s - Kubernetes.
  50. KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid.
  51. KPI - Key Performance Indicator.
  52. LAMP- Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Python/Perl.
  53. MAC- Macintosh (Apple computer)/ Mandatory Access Control.
  54. MAMP- Mac OS X Apache MySQL and PHP.
  55. MEAN- MongoDB Express.js Angular Node.js.
  56. ML- Machine Learning.
  57. MR- Merge request.
  58. MSDN - Microsoft Developer Network.
  59. MVC- Model View Controller.
  60. MVP- Minimum Viable Product.
  61. OAuth- Open Authentication.
  62. OOP- Object-Oriented Programming.
  63. OS- Operating System/ Open source.
  64. OSS- Operations Support System/ Open Source Software.
  65. PERL - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language.
  66. PDF- Portable Document Format.
  67. PHP- Hypertext Preprocessor.
  68. PIP - Package Installer for Python.
  69. PNG - Portable Network Graphic.
  70. PR- Pull Request.
  71. QA Quality Assurance.
  72. REEAL - Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language.
  73. REGEX- Regular Expression.
  74. REST- Representational State Transfer.
  75. RGB- Red Green Blue.
  76. RIP - Routing Information Protocol.
  77. RoR - Ruby on Rails.
  78. SaaS - Software as a Service.
  79. Sass - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets.
  80. SCM - Source Control Management.
  81. SCSS - Sassy Cascading Style Sheets.
  82. SDK- Software Development Kit.
  83. SEM- Search Engine Marketing.
  84. SEO- Search Engine Optimization.
  85. SOAP- Simple Object Access Protocol.
  86. SOC - Separation Cf Concerns.
  87. SPA - Single Page Application.
  88. SQL- Structured Query Language.
  89. SSO - Single Sign On.
  90. SSH- Secure Shell.
  91. STEM - Science Technology Engineering Mathematics.
  92. SVG- Scalable Vector Graphics.
  93. TF - TensorFlow.
  94. UAT - User Acceptance Testing.
  95. UI- User Interface.
  96. URL- Uniform Resource Locator.
  97. UX- User eXperience.
  98. VFS - Virtual File System.
  99. VMS- Virtual Memory System.
  100. VCS Version Control System.
  101. VPN- Virtual Private Network.
  102. WFH - Working From Home.
  103. Wi-Fi—Wireless Fidelity.
  104. WORA - Write once, run anywhere.
  105. WORM - Write Once Read Many.
  106. WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access.
  107. WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get.
  108. XAML- Extensible Application Markup Language.
  109. XML- Extensible Markup Language.
  110. XMP- Extensible Metadata Platform.
  111. YAGNI - You Aren't Gonna Need It.
  112. YAML - Yet Another Markup Language.
  113. YARN - Yet Another Resource Negotiator.

Thank you so much for reading but I have one more abbreviation which is: KIR which means Karma Is Real. So ensure to react to this article and share 😊