Big Dreams Take Time

Big Dreams Take Time


Achieving goals that are worthwhile takes time and effort. Just be patient because even the world wasn't created in a day.


Let's recall history.


Amazon started in 1994 in the garage of Jeff Bezos. It started as an online store where just books were sold. The founder Jeff Bezos had a vision for the company's explosive growth and e-commerce domination. He wanted amazon to an everything store. The workers came to work on a bicycle in which they worked for 60hours a week so the vision will come true.

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It took some time before the company became what it is today. It took lots of effort, patience, time, dedication for amazon to become what it is today. Today Amazon doesn't sell just books they sell electronics, video games, toys, jewelry, they also offer cloud services. Amazon has one of the top clouds service providers we have now.



Google started in 1995 it was created by two boys from Standford University Larry Page and Sergey Brin who were working towards achieving the goal of creating Google(which was once called BackRub). They would work from their dorm rooms.


Larry and Sergey's mission was to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. From the dorm room to the garage and to this very day google has indeed been able to organize the world information and it is universally accessible. Google is now one of the biggest tech companies that everyone uses.

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Just take a step and keep pushing

Assuming Jeff Bezos the founder of @Amazon and Larry Page with Sergey Brin the founders of @Google had thought of the idea and had not pushed to achieving the goals there wouldn't have been @Google or @Amazon today. Just start walking towards achieving a goal no matter how many issues you might encounter on the way of achieving your goal just keep pushing and never give up because giving up isn't an option. Let's not forget :

Rome was not built in a day