Just contributed to Open Source

Just contributed to Open Source


For quite some time I have been seeing tweets of open source how people tweet on their contribution to open source so I said to myself I will contribute to this open source. In this article, I will share my contributions to open source.

First contributions

I made my first contributions to open source Eddiejaoude community on github. The contribution I made was fixing an issue which was assigned to me by @RuthIkegah. Not knowing what to do I notified Ruth and we had a meet call and In that call, she directed me to star and fork the repo and told me why I should. Afterwards, I tried cloning the repo but it didn't go through(maybe I missed a command) so I made the changes globally once the changes where made I created a pull request feeling so scared that it would not get merged but it got merged immediately. That felt so good having my first PR merged.


I learnt new things that day such as:

  • How to fork and star a repo
  • How to make changes globally
  • What a PR is and even created one.

Second contribution

My second contribution was to open source Layer5 community on Github I found the issue by exploring Github. When I saw the issue that I can fix I then indicated my interest so it was assigned to me. I started immediately I starred and forked the repo and made changes globally and even created a pull request but it didn't go through so I notified Anita Ihuman and she told me I can't make changes globally but locally so I cloned the repo instead after that I made required changes and created a pull request it did not get merged that day so I waited and next day it got merged. I was excited because the excitement when your PR gets merged is just the best.

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I learnt new things that day such as:

  • How to make changes locally
  • How to clone a repo


Now you've heard my story. You might be asking " just two contributions?" Yes, I would love to make more contributions to open source. I hope this inspired you to make your own contributions.